It has been a while since I have put a post onto here so I thought I would get back into it by installing EHCP onto a raspberry pi. (The original model B). I figured that the specs are not much worse off then a cheap web host and it would be a good idea to replace my workstation server with a low power raspberry pi.

So to get started I downloaded and installed Noobs onto a SD Card and performed a default Raspberrian install onto the device. All the instructions are here –

Once installed I made the following setting changes to the pi ready to do the install (These are via the Raspberry Config Utility)

  • I gave the machine a host name (in my case it was webhost)
  • Changed the boot from Desktop to CLI
  • Disabled Auto login
  • Over clocked the CPU to 900Mhz
  • Reduced the GPU memory to 16MB
  • Set Locale, Time zone and Keyboard

Once those were set, I rebooted the machine and set a static IP address. This was a bit new to me as it has to be done by using dhcpcd.conf so I did the following to set the IP

##Edit dhcpcd.conf
sudo vi /etc/dhcpcd.conf

##Add the following to the end of the file
# Static Interface Details
interface eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=

Just a few notes about this. It seems like it is pretty particular. I at first had spaces around the = and it didn’t work. so just a word of warning about that.

Then I rebooted and placed it into the DMZ and connected to it to check that I was able to communicate with it.

After it is in the correct place I updated the device

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

A few user modification to disable the default account.

#Add the new user
sudo useradd dean
sudo passwd dean
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully

#Add the user to the SUDOers file
sudo visudo

##Add the following to the end of the file

##Disable the current PI account
usermod -L -e 1 pi

Once that is all done, you are now ready to install EHCP

##Run as SU
sudo su

##Download installer

##unzip the file
tar -zxvf ehcp_latest.tgz

##Start install
cd ehcp

Work through the wizard answering the questions and at the end you should have a working EHCP.

I will pick up some of the configuration in my next post.