IPv6: Lessons Learnt
So now that my IPv6 setup is installed and has been working for a few weeks I thought it might be a good idea to go through a few gotcha’s. To be absolutely honest there was only one big one that kinda caused all my issues. (Which is actually kind of embarrassing after it was identified)
The biggest issue I had by far is that when I was allocated my initial tunnel two sets of IPs are allocated.
- A remote endpoint address (usually ending in ::1)
- A local endpoint address (ending in ::2)
- A routed subnet
The thing that got me caught up the most was that the endpoint addresses and the routed subnet where very close. In fact the only difference was that the tunnel addresses had a :8d: and the routed subnet was in fact a :808d: address.
While this was small it was difficult to identify due to the long addresses.
The lesson from that one is that a bit more time needs to be taken with IPv6 addresses (at least to start with) to ensure you have them right.
The second issue is that since NAT is no longer required it is critical to ensure that you firewall is setup correctly. Access from the internet to an internal host would need to be controlled at the Firewall to ensure its security. (and the local firewall)
DHCP will become critical as IPv6 is adopted. It would be almost impossible to manage a network without it. (Reservations for servers I hear)
The router advertisements also caught me a little off guard, but after looking into why (multiple weighted gateways etc), it makes a lot of sense on the new method.
Overall it has been a rewarding thing to do to add it to my home network. It is just a shame that pretty much all of my mobile devices (iPhones, Android, etc) don’t yet support DHCPv6 and IPv6.