by Dean | Aug 21, 2014 | General IT, HyperV, IT, Microsoft, Virtualisation
You have your machine all setup and ready, now it is time to add the machine into a HA HyperV Cluster. Here are the steps to getting that machine setup. Open theĀ Fail Over Cluster Manager Right click on the cluster you want to add the machines into and select...
by Dean | May 3, 2014 | Crazy Idea, DNS, General IT, IT, Linux, Tutorial
So now that I have my web servers all setup and working I need a way to be able to define URI’s internally (such as FTP, SSH etc) I also wanted to be able to access these sites internally and my modem will not allow hairpin routing so I needed something to...
by Dean | Apr 16, 2014 | Crazy Idea, General IT, IT, Misc, MySQL, PHP, Programming, SAAS (Software as a Service), Tutorial, Virtualisation, Webtech
Now that I have my load balances etc all installed and running (aka proxy), and the box for general websites is running smoothly, it is time to setup a LAMP server that I can customize for the My Book It software. What I want to be able to do is from a website...