IPv6: Lessons Learnt

So now that my IPv6 setup is installed and has been working for a few weeks I thought it might be a good idea to go through a few gotcha’s. To be absolutely honest there was only one big one that kinda caused all my issues. (Which is actually kind of...

Getting started with IPv6

Now that IPv6 is a thing on the internet I decided that it would be a good idea for me to learn the basics on how it works and how it can be applied to customer networks. There is no better way to learn a technology then to jump in and get yourself dirty with it. So...

Setting up BIND9

So now that I have my web servers all setup and working I need a way to be able to define URI’s internally (such as FTP, SSH etc) I also wanted to be able to access these sites internally and my modem will not allow hairpin routing so I needed something to...