by Dean | Jun 18, 2014 | Crazy Idea, Disaster Recovery, General IT, IT, Linux, monitoring, SAAS (Software as a Service), Tutorial, Virtualisation
Now that all the heavy lifting part of this is done. I wanted to write down a few little tips and points to do with this. Over all I couldn’t be happier with the way it works and how well it handles what I have thrown at it. But like with all IT (and especially...
by Dean | Jun 4, 2014 | Crazy Idea, Disaster Recovery, General IT, IT, Linux, Misc, SAAS (Software as a Service), Tutorial, Virtualisation
At first I thought this was going to be a fairly easy and straight forward setup. I figured it would be install FreeNAS or Ubuntu and bam we will be away. What has ended up happening was a configuration of DRBD, Heatbeat and other HA utilities to get it up and running...
by Dean | May 22, 2014 | Common Sense, Crazy Idea, Error, General IT, IT, MySQL, PHP, Programming, SAAS (Software as a Service), Tutorial, Webtech
For the web applications I build a lot of them want to sent out an email to their users for many different reasons. (All these reasons are legitimate, for example sending our a link to allow the users to login, reminders about upcoming classes etc) This can generate a...
by Dean | May 3, 2014 | Crazy Idea, DNS, General IT, IT, Linux, Tutorial
So now that I have my web servers all setup and working I need a way to be able to define URI’s internally (such as FTP, SSH etc) I also wanted to be able to access these sites internally and my modem will not allow hairpin routing so I needed something to...
by Dean | Apr 16, 2014 | Crazy Idea, General IT, IT, Misc, MySQL, PHP, Programming, SAAS (Software as a Service), Tutorial, Virtualisation, Webtech
Now that I have my load balances etc all installed and running (aka proxy), and the box for general websites is running smoothly, it is time to setup a LAMP server that I can customize for the My Book It software. What I want to be able to do is from a website...
by Dean | Mar 29, 2014 | Common Sense, Crazy Idea, General IT, IT, Misc, Security, Tutorial, Virtualisation
Now that I have my remote access machine up and running it is time to install the VPN modules into it to get remote access to my network. In my previous post I mentioned that I was going to use IPSEC/L2TP VPN. After some thought and investigation I decided to change...